Rest Child, in My Arms. Just being with Me brings renewal because I give you My PEACE and peace revitalizes your whole being giving new strength to body, mind and soul. I provided all that you need to maintain a healthy mind and body. Try your best to live a good wholesome existence coming to Me daily for guidance and Grace. My supply never runs out and you may have as much of Me as your heart desires. My Wisdom enhances your mind; My Love comforts and reassures your heart and My Mercy excuses your shortcomings. You can never lose; you can only gain from spending time alone with Me daily. I love you, dear Children. I have proven it in a most sacrificial way, so believe Me when I say that you are very very precious to Me. Love Me by loving others.
My Wisdom enhances your mind;
My Love comforts and reassures your heart and My Mercy excuses your shortcomings.