(While driving home, I spent the hours singing praises and worship to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I lifted up to My Loving Creator all my concerns about some particular ones that were looking to Him for special guidance at this time. He is and will take perfect care of them as we ask and believe. T.Y.J. I did not remember to stop and listen to write down Your precious words, but at five the next morning at home I was awakened to…..)
Oct.4th: 5:00AM
My Child, come to Me. (I avoided this for about twenty minutes trying to go back to sleep, thinking it might be my imagination. It seemed so strong that finally I got up…tired, but up. Here I am, Lord, as I knelt down in the spare bedroom so I wouldn’t wake up my husband. After praying in the Spirit a few minutes, I listened.)
Yes, My Child, calling upon Me to help and guide others is an intricate part of your work on earth. You can be assured that T. & V. are in My Will. The PEACE that passes all understanding is settling upon them right now. I want you to pray that they take the last step in My directions to them. I am making it abundantly clear to them. I will shower unmeasured graces upon them when they take this last step. Pray that they take it soon. I am waiting.
I know their heart; they know Mine. Pray that they will totally obey My last instruction before the gates of Heaven open to release untold blessings into their lives. Call them, tell them what I’ve said. Obey Me, My Child. I will protect you; I promise you I will. I know you love them. Trust Me, My Child, with your very life—completely. Obey Me! (I went back to bed.)
RECONCILIATION…RECONCILIATION…RECONCILIATION…RECONCILIATION. (This word kept coming into my head very profoundly just as I was falling back to sleep. I don’t remember thinking about it–just that it was so vivid.)
Oct.4th continued…1:00PM
(I sat down to read my Bible and have my prayer time before I go to work. I opened my Bible to read where I left off and the Lord put my eyes on these Scriptures: Luke 6:27-38 and Luke 6:46-49. After reading them, that word reconciliation came back into my mind. I asked Jesus if I was to mention it to them because I didn’t want to. I asked Him to let me know when the time came. I trust You, Lord, not to let me do or say anything that is not from You………..I called and they received. T.Y.J.)
(It seemed so strong that finally I got up…)