(God the Father, Jesus, and Holy Spirit, I love You! I cannot and will not live without You! Somehow, I knew You very young and cherished our relationship very early in my life. Somehow, I knew how important You were to me, even though I never heard about being “Born Again.”
(However, a prayer stood out for me that was in my prayer book read daily in Mass which said, “Oh my Jesus, I love You and for love of You, I repent of my sins. My heart longs for You. Come and take possession of it forever.” I really took that to heart and fervantly tried to think about the words as I read it daily. All I know is that I took Him with me everywhere. I prayed to Jesus, thanked God for His help and answered prayers.
(I didn’t know much about the Holy Spirit because no one talked specifically about Him that I remember. I really learned about You, precious Holy Spirit, in the early 1970’s. Thank You! I love You! That’s when I gave my life to Jesus, received “New Life,” forgiveness of my sins, and the assurance of Eternal Life in Heaven when I die. Thank You, Jesus!
(This was God the Father’s Plan from the very beginning: to make a way for mankind that He created to spend Everlasting Life with Him. He loves us so much that He sacrificed His OWN SON JESUS that we may be worthy to live with Him forever in PEACE, JOY, AND LOVE.)
My heart longs for You. Come and take possession of it forever.