Angels on High assume the job of protecting, directing, providing, warning and messenger to My Children on earth. They provide the services I offer… and complete safety and leadership to all those who look up to Me daily in prayer. Your closeness to Me determines your availability of My services. The reason being, when your mind is far from Me, your trust is not in Me.
When you are in doubt of what to do, where to go, how to act, what to say…..having spent time with Me daily and listening to Me daily… will know what to do to find answers in life. This is My Promise to you, My Children. Stay close to Me and My Will for you, which is perfect, shall be revealed as you seek to follow the Path the Father has laid out for you.
My Child, when you make mistakes by going out on your own or DECIDING to reject My Will and commit to your own Will instead, COME TO ME in sorrow. I will pick you up and put you back on a pedestal of Love from the Father. True sorrow is refreshing to the Heavens while the Angels REJOICE. Stay close to Me! Trust Me to avoid going unnecessarily through these things. I am with you; I will hold you up. I will provide a way, so REJOICE.
Your closeness to Me determines your availability of My Services.