Remember to define yourselves according to My statutes.
I have certain standards by which My followers must abide. There is no excuse for blatant disregard of these. I know you are in a learning curve all the time, but do not fall back on purpose, doing the things you KNOW are against My principles. Just be fervently seeking My Way of living. Of course, I know you will falter here and there, but that is a far cry from DECIDING to stray on PURPOSE. I have a happy life in store for each of you which includes all you will eve eed and more, plus a life full of rewards and Blessings. A life with Me is always exciting because I use all your talents and take you where you would be afraid to venture alone. Your life with Me can really make a big difference in the circle where you live and, for some, even a broader range.
The life your Father has planned for you is wonderful; let Me give it to you.
I have certain standards by which My followers must abide.