(Saturday at 1:45PM, I put the half baked pizza back in the freezer and we rushed to the Emergency Room. My husband was having severe abdominal pain. After tests, it was determined that he had a ruptured appendix. It had been seeping for a long time, so there was poison throughout his body. He was put on several antibiotics immediately and for several hours they were trying to get his blood thickened with frozen coagulates since he takes blood thinner. They desperately needed to do the surgery, but couldn ‘t until his blood was thick enough or he could bleed to death.)
(I have been through a lot of surgeries with my husband, but this time I could tell from the faces on the nurses and doctors that they were more than concerned. I have prayed that the Lord would let my husband live a healthy long life with me and I believed even now that He would honor that prayer. However, I had to surrender my Will to His. He is my Father and everything He allows is for a greater purpose. So, I just kept PRAISING HIM FOR HIS DIVINE WILL and THANKING HIM FOR WHATEVER HE ALLOWED IN THIS SITUATION. I KNOW Him, so I KNEW not to worry. Whatever He lets happen I KNEW would be the best for my husband and for me.)
(However, FEAR began to creep in. I called my sister and she prayed with me and the PEACE BEYOND UNDERSTANDING came over me. Thank You, Father, for your loving care in every situation we may face in this world. At 1:15AM, almost twelve hours later, my husband had surgery and they discovered another aneurysm. I ‘ve lost count of how many that makes. The surgery was successful, but now it was a matter of getting the poison out of his system and what damage it did. The danger was still not over.)
(I was at the hospital from 2:00PM Saturday afternoon to 5:30AM Sunday morning. I worked on the Lord’s website all night at the hospital from the notebooks I grabbed before leaving home. It kept me focussed on Him and the messages I was reading kept feeding my spirit powerfully. Lord, thank You so much for getting us to the doctors before it got too serious to operate and thank You ahead of time for the aneurysm being fixed somehow in a minor way without big surgery again. My husband has been cut open so many times that when they told me the incision was only three inches long, I was thrilled. I have prayed that he would not ever have to have big incision surgeries again and I KNOW he won ‘t. T.Y.J.)
(I called our family to pray for him because this was a very serious situation. I knew it could be…..but I hoped and prayed it wouldn’t be. I really did have PEACE the whole time because I KNOW my Jesus. He is merciful and caring and always working things out for the greater good…..that of drawing us closer to Him! I stayed in PRAISE and THANKSGIVING for His LOVE to keep His PEACE.)
(Why would anyone choose to go it alone? Have you received Jesus? Would you like to have assurance of Eternal Life? Then pray this prayer:
““““Father, I know I ‘m a sinner and I believe Jesus died on the cross for my sins. Please forgive me of my sins and transform me into a new person. I surrender control of my life and future to You TODAY. Come into my heart and draw me closer to you and give me Your PEACE…..in Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen.
(Why would anyone choose to go it alone?)