Dear Child, reaching out to Me will always make life clearer, smoother, and more effective.
I am your teacher. When you put into practice what I teach you, life becomes rewarding, peaceful, productive, and joyful. There is none of this for those who rebel against goodness. The world run by Satan is fighting goodness constantly. I have allowed him free reign for now, but there will come a time when he will be permanently defeated.
My Children however, who stand firmly in My Will and Grace, shall be triumphantly, gloriously mounted with wings to their Heavenly Home, while Satan is forever doomed to his home in Hell. In this world now, be sure to stay close in touch with Me. Discuss your daily situations with Me. Let Me lead you through the maize of temptations and bad influences you encounter.
Be comfortable in the shadow of My Wings. There I will protect you, direct you, and inspire you with wisdom from My Holy Spirit. Be at Peace living ALWAYS in My Loving Company, dear Children of the King.
Let Me lead you through the maize of temptations and bad influences.