Dear Child, your experience with the Holy Spirit enveloping you, filling you full, yet light with radiance, is My Gift to those who spend time in My Word allowing Me to teach and cultivate a strong trusting relationship. In this position, I am able to allow the Holy Spirit to fill you up with My Love and Glory for a time. Yes, for a time, you are actually experiencing what the apostles felt when the Holy Spirit entered the upper room where they were waiting.
This is the same power Jesus felt when He was baptized and the Holy Spirit came in the form of a dove and He heard His Father say, “This is My Son in whom I am well pleased.” This is the Holy Spirit that came upon all the men of God in Biblical history. He is the VOICE and POWER of the LIVING GOD for you today in everyday life. Blessed are those who KNOW and BELIEVE in HIM, who LISTEN and OBEY HIM. For He speaks to your heart and directs you according to the Father’s Will.
This is the same power Jesus felt when He was baptized