Dear Child, serving someone out of love for them and or out of pure obedience to Me is highly regarded by the Father. Servitude is a gentle, patient, loving action on behalf of another. Giving into this command of Heaven to become what Jesus was carries huge rewards here on earth as well as in the Kingdom. You can be certain of pleasing your Father when you do for others what they cannot do for themselves. It is harder to be the person receiving a servants help, so be VERY CAREFUL to perform these tasks in a JOYFUL GENTLE manner.
Be sure to MAKE THEM FEEL GOOD or your acts fall on dead soil. Your efforts will be wasted because of the lowliness you make them feel. Be KIND, LOVING, GENTLE, and think of THEIR DIFFICULTY. Forget yourself…entrusting your life entirely to Me. (Thank You so much, dear Holy Spirit, for Your teaching and Your oh so helpful guidance. You have let me see things entirely differently and I will remind myself of this teaching over and over.)
It is harder to be the person receiving a servants help…