(Lord, now we can see first-hand what people are truly like when left to our own ways, desires, feelings, leadership, and motivation. It’s DESTRUCTION!
(Now more than ever in our lifetime in America and around the world, we can see what mankind is like without You. Your sacrifice to save us is the only way we could ever survive, because our selfish evil nature will destroy us when left to our own devices. We see the evidence of it more and more daily in the news. Without You, people turn their hearts to greed, selfishness, and foolishness just naturally. Yes, it comes naturally because without You Lord, we squalor in our sinful nature with restless misery and no resource to help us out of the darkness.
(People, WAKE UP, GIVE UP your unhappy unfulfilled life! You already know the way you’re living is wrong, but you feel helpless to do anything to change it. Let me relieve your despair. Let me tell you about SOMEONE who will lift you up out of the mire and give you a completely new life. IT’S TRUE!
(He will renew your spirit, renew your strength each day, and renew your view of the world around you. He will guide you, speak to your heart about ways to be a better person, show you how to live a more prosperous life, and to help others along the way that you see are still where you used to be.
(To Get This New Start:
- Ask Jesus Christ to come into your heart and take over your life to renew it. Because He loved you even before you were born, He will renew your life when you ask Him to.
- Have sincere sorrow for your sins and ask Him to forgive you. His sacrificial death on the cross paid the price for your sins in full. He will wipe them COMPLETELY from your record and He will REMEMBER them NO MORE.
(These two steps taken with a SINCERE FERVENT HEART will change your life from this point forward and for ALL ETERNITY, because now you have been inducted into the Family of the God of All Creation!
(To grow closer to Him, to enhance your relationship with God the Father, with His son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit the third person of the Trinity, you will want to do the same thing you would do to develop a relationship with a person on earth. You want to spend time with Him, talking to Him, and reading about Him in His Holy Word, Divine Scripture. The more you get to know Him, the more you will LOVE HIM and the more you will realize how much He deeply LOVES YOU.)
(Want a better life? Make a move toward Him, Jesus Christ, who gave His Life for YOU and PROVED HIS LOVE FOR YOU!)