Dear Child, hold on tight to your knowledge and trust in Me.
When life gets difficult, you neve eed despair, get upset, or even worry about what has happened, what might happen, this coarse of action or that, should I or shouldn’t I. JUST ASK, SURRENDER TO MY WILL, and LISTEN. I cannot make your life any easier than this, but this will only work if you have the power of the Holy Spirit. To have His Power guiding you, you must give Me your life. You must trust Me and have genuine sorrow for your sins. You must have faith in My death on the cross to pay for your sins, so that you can have life in Me. To be close, to know Me, to hear the Holy Spirit in your heart for guidance, you MUST spend time in My Word and Worship the Father, Son Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. My Peace and Wisdom will be at the point of you eed everytime.
You must spend time in My Word and Worship…