(At times the Lord allows us to come to a point of exhaustion because we want something that we just can’t seem to reach. This is a spiritually powerful time because He is giving us an opportunity to change our life in a big way, but on His terms.)
(At the level of exhaustion, we are just too tired to fight for what we want any longer and simply give up to His Will, whatever it may be. Now, if we can do this sooner, which we hopefully learn along our walk with Him, life is a whole lot easier. We already know that HIS WAY is the BEST WAY).
(Being in His Will–ONE with Him, there is NO TURMOIL. This means LETTING GO and TRUSTING HIM to work things out HIS WAY–NOT MINE. If we do this, truly do this, then there is NO TURMOIL. His PEACE sees us through until we see His MIRACLE POWER work in our BEST interest. Just WORSHIP HIM! Stand firm against Satan’s attempts to make us worry!)
His PEACE sees us through until we see His MIRACLE POWER…