(Dear Lord, I can’t get over how many personal ways You show how much You love me. I don’t know why in the world I’m so privileged to have known You at such an early age, but thank You so much. I remember being so close to You when I prayed, even as a young child.) There is no privilege involved. You were chosen because the Father knew you would choose Him. Each of you have a choice at some point. If you choose Me, I can shower you with understanding of the Gift of FAITH available to all individuals. Your understanding of this FAITH in Me manifested itself in you because you sought Me out. You desired to spend time alone with Me. I remember all the times that you took walks and talked to Me, when you left the playground to visit with Me in the Chapel for a few minutes, when you knelt down beside your bed at night talking to Me. You chose Me when I CALLED. This is why you have been close to Me all your life from an early age. (T.Y.J.) I say all this because I want others to know that this kind of relationship is available to everyone who seeks Me at any age, who chooses to develop an intimate friendship with Me at any age. I so desire this with all of you. Dear ones, just try getting alone with Me more often. Talk to Me and listen as the Holy Spirit speaks words of wisdom, guidance, and comfort to your heart. You too will know what real FAITH is and will begin to enjoy the benefits of true LOVE from Me.
Talk to Me and listen as the Holy Spirit speaks words of wisdom, guidance, and comfort to your heart.