Let all that comes your way bounce off Me FIRST, then to you. By this I mean, let everything and anything that you deal with each day be seen as coming from Me, then to you. You see, I only allow what I know is important for the Father ‘s Plan in your life to be accomplished. Think about that! Whatever you experience has been filtered through Me FIRST.
With this knowledge firmly anchored in your mind, you needn ‘t be upset about ANYTHING. Use the authority I have given you in My Name and then surrender the situation or person, trusting Me at all cost with Thanksgiving and Praise and ask My Help and Guidance. BUT…..most of all…..don ‘t get excited or upset. If it has been allowed, it has gone through the Father ‘s approval and is important to you or someone you come in contact with. The point is…..it is in the PLAN, so rejoice in the purpose for which you know is PERFECT. This kind of FAITH is what My Children must aspire to. Nothing less will do, if you are to be powerful instruments in the service of your loving Father who holds you guardedly in His Arms. Never worry or be afraid……TRUST!
If it has been allowed, it has gone through the Father ‘s approval and is important…