Dear Children, are you sick in body, mind or spirit?
If you are, then I can help. In all the world, you will not find the health, solace, or forgiveness that will make you completely well. I have come to give you New Life, which can fix the messes you have created for yourselves, and to clear your mind of garbage and confusion, and to heal your body of diseases. I have promised to do this with My Life. Yes, this is the proof…..My Death. The Hope I give you is not questionable; it is guaranteed. My Hope can be counted on, so put your Hope in Me. Build your faith in Me so you can Divinely Hope for the day when you shall see Me. Your Hope in Me is the assurance of things to come. Faith, Hope, and Love, these three you need and Love is the most important.
I have promised to do this with My Life.