My Child, hear My Voice in your heart CALLING you to love others as you love Me. Many hear Me CALLING, but ignore Me because of self-will most often. Many would rather do things their way even if it means hurting other people.
Dear Children, belonging to the Father carries with it a purpose. That purpose is OTHERS. If you live to serve others with Kindness, Mercy, Selflessness, Prayer, Patience, Joy and Love, then you are going to fulfill the purpose for which you have been CALLED. In living this way, others will COME TO ME because of your life witness. Never underestimate what your demeanor, words and actions transmit to others; these are your most powerful tools. And, when the Holy Spirit is guiding your life these powerful tools become ELECTRIFIED and send energy out from you to touch others with the Power and Grace of God. Think about this as you go about daily life. Normal daily activities and encounters are powerful opportunities to serve the Father.
Never underestimate what your demeanor, words and actions transmit to others…