(Thy Will Be Done On Earth As It Is In Heaven!!)
Dear Child, I have shown you over and over how close to you that I am. Each time you come upon a problem, you see how I ALWAYS solve it for you in My Time, IF you have given it to Me, IF you have asked for My help and then surrendered it to My care. Even better, when you actually THANK Me for the problem just the way it is. The reason this is so powerful and brings about miracles is because these acts on your part PROVE that you truly TRUST Me.
You KNOW that I will take care of it or lead you to know what to do through the Holy Spirit. Dear Children, this is the way to live in Peace through anything and everything. This is the way out of worry and distress. It is unnecessary for a Child of the King to worry about anything.
Read My Word! Think about what I am saying! Take My Words to your heart; they are meant for YOU. You can live by them, bank on them. You can be living proof of the validity of My Word as others see your Peace in times of trouble. Be carefree and be a joyful peaceful witness for Me, dear Ones, even in darkness.
Live in Peace through anything and everything!