(Lord, I’m sorry fo ot always treating others as I should. T.Y.J.)
Lift up your heart and give up your spirit to Me so that I can develop in you the skills the Father has bestowed on you. Each talent is a gift from Him so you must endeavor to seek His Wisdom to use it properly. All that is needed is your daily devotion and your desire to obey in the service in which you are being Called. I know My Children love Me, but it is very important that you prove your love with ACTION. Your word is very important, but the effort put into obedient action is concrete proof of your decision to follow in My footsteps. The Father’ Plan is perfectly suited for you. Just follow the Holy Spirit as He leads you down a path that is fulfilling, productive for the Kindom, and inspiring to those who witness its results.
the effort put into obedient action is concrete proof of your decision…