(Thank You, Jesus, for the love between my husband and I. I know this love is a gift from You.)
My Child, I am guiding you because you desire to obey Me; you can count on Me. You are going to finish each task I put before you because I am going to help you each step of the way. Do not worry about the Christmas present you asked Me about. I will provide the material and knowledge to accomplish it in time. (What do You mean?) Do one task at a time. I will guide you, My Child.
(I’ve been typing the Miracles that I have witnessed during my life as the Holy Spirit guided Me to do. I had asked the Lord to tell me what I could give to my family for Christmas that would be very meaningful and let them know how much I appreciated all they have done and are doing for me and my sisters.)
(While still contemplating His Words to me, I began to get some ideas and started to write. Remarkably, the words came for my gift to my family and it is called, “A Miracle Family.” It could not have been more perfect. Thank You, Jesus! Here it is:)
““““““““““““““““““““`A MIRACLE FAMILY“““““““““““““““““““
““““Now here is a man who fell in love with an angel. She loved Jesus and as he grew to know her, he wanted this faith that she had. She was Roman Catholic so he began to take instructions in this church. I remember the story, early in their dating, they were with a crowd at a party. He abstained from food and water with her from midnight on, a practice before Communion in those days, as an act of love and respect for this angel. But, you must understand, she had a twinkle in her eye that no one could resist. In fact, my Daddy’s nickname for my mother was “Winks.”
““““My Daddy, a young man, had four heart attacks when God called him Home, but before he met the Lord, he had read the entire Bible. He was a well RESPECTED, HONORABLE man. He taught his children strength of character, integrity, honesty, and faith in God. He was full of vitality and had a zest for life. Mr. Personality was a dark haired, handsome, six foot one specimen.
““““My Mother was a devout christian. She lived her faith by example. In a word, she was SPECIAL from her pretty outward appearance to her sweet sweet gentleness. She had the ability to make everyone feel special, but without the exclusion of anyone elses specialness. She was a lot of fun, full of energy and life. She was five foot two inches, blonde, eyes green and a beautiful smile with dimples.
““““There are seven children, four boys first and then three girls. Our brothers are SPECIAL because they gave up so much of their early life to keep the family business Daddy left. They literally supported all of us…practically working themselves to death. These brothers stepped into their Dad ‘s shoes and took care of everything. They sacrificed their social life, sports, school functions, free time, sleep and more. They took on the responsibility of an entire family at such an early age. Not only all this, but they were really there for each other and for Mother and we girls.
““““They were loving; they treated us with respect, always included us in their fun when they were home. They played games with us. Most importantly, they always spoke to us as if we were on their same level even though they were all older. They didn’t talk down to us. Words of encouragement and support and motivation were always forthcoming. We girls put the four boys on a pedestal because we loved them so much. We ironed their clothes and shined their shoes if they asked because they asked so sweetly. We knew we were being conned, but we didn’t mind.
““““Mother told us about Jesus and we could see her living what she believed. All of us had a strong faith in God, but were striving to be good enough to get to Heaven. A wonderful thing happened; the Lord touched my oldest brothers life when he was feeling hopeless. He gave his life to Jesus and began spreading this Good News throughout the family. We all are Born Again and this News is spreading more and more to the extended family. To put Jesus FIRST in our lives is the goal of all seven brothers and sisters and many of the twenty four nieces and nephews.
““““The following poem was found in Daddy’s desk after his death and our Uncle, who is a Catholic priest, had one of the monks to write it pretty and we all have it framed in our homes. This poem has given each of us continued guidance from our Daddy all these years.
““““““““““““““““““`TO EACH OF MY FAMILY““““““““““““““““““
““““““By night or by day, when loved ones are thousands of miles away, if
““““““You remain PURE, HONEST and TRUE, take heart and don ‘t be blue.
““““““For we will sit down together again and talk just like we used to do.
““““““In even our new Home in Heaven, where we shall be forever happy and
““““““forever together. Daddy (Thank You, Jesus, Daddy and Mother.)
…because you desire to obey Me; you can count on Me.