(Oh my Jesus, please help me to be all that You want me to be.)
Dear Child, recognize that what I tell you is true. The TRUTH is that I will continue to bring you into a greater depth of selflessness as long as you continue to seek Me. This is a PROMISE you can count on. As long as you make yourself available to Me in prayer time, reading your Bible and worshiping the Father, your destiny is set on a course that can only benefit you, others, and the God of the Universe. Pray with all your heart for the world to believe in Me, for your leaders, your loved ones and yourself. I desire to give My Divine Grace to all who COME to Me. Follow the gentle voice of the Holy Spirit to serve your fellowman as I lead you to a blessing. My work must be carried out through My disciples. Be ever vigilant in your obedience.
I am counting on you, dear Ones.