(Oh dear Lord, my life is so much easier when a problem comes up, IF I REMEMBER to THANK You for it. Now, the only reason I could do that is because I TRUST You.
I can sincerely THANK You for things just the way they are because:
1. I know You allowed it.
2. I know You are in control.
3. I know You always work things out for my good.
4. I know You would only allow it to draw me closer to You, which is what my heart desires.
5. I know the problem gives me another opportunity to see Your Miracle Power at work in my life.
(This is why I can look at You with PEACE in my mind and heart, while in the midst of trouble. I am not there alone. I want to show You, dear Jesus, that I TRUST YOU, no matter what is happening because I love You and I know You love me too. Thank You for this gift of TRUST in YOU! Please continue to draw me closer and closer to You.)
I can look at You with Peace, while in the midst of trouble.