(Lord, seeing what you really endured and suffered through the movie “The Passion ” has affected me very much. I don’t think I ever let myself or didn’t know enough about it, to really meditate on what horrible pain you went through for me…..for all of us. Thank You for giving Mel Gibson the insight, courage and Grace to achieve this gift of true awareness of the degree Your LOVE for us.)
(Please Bless him and all the people associated with this inspired project and please let this be the most viewed movie ever made, bring in the most money of any movie and win the most awards of any movie made to show the world what the REAL PEOPLE care about.)
Dear Children, you can see what is important, so live in such a way that other’s want to know what is important too. Holy is the Child who trust Me enough to obey and act as I CALL. Your purpose in life has been assigned long ago. Come to Me, dear Ones, to find your place in the tapestry of Divine Destiny. Don’t miss out by living for the world, ruled by the world. Get alone with Me; I will show you the way.
Come to Me, dear Ones, to find your place in the tapestry of Divine Destiny.