(Holy God, we praise Thy Name!)
Dear Child, no one is able to truly grasp the ENORMOUS extent of My LOVE for those who COME to ME and TRUST Me to FORGIVE them for all the wrong thoughts and actions of their life. No one can realize the magnitude of My sacrifice and suffering that day on the cross. Not only the physical pain, but the separation from My Father and the REALIZATION THAT EVEN THIS ACT WOULD NOT SAVE EVERYONE. Still there would be those who would not accept My act of Love for their Salvation. Oh, how sad that made Me! Dear children who are lost and fighting to find peace, COME to ME. Let Me show you what real living is. The hardships you face will be softened. The joys you encounter will be heightened. The PEACE you live with daily will enhance everything you do, everywhere you go, and whomever you meet. My PEACE is POWERFUL! Let Me share My Kingdom Life with you. Here and now on this earth, in daily life with Me, you can experience a taste of Heaven.
COME to ME, TRUST ME, and let Me show you!
Oh, how sad that made Me!