(Lord, I think I see why you had me to take the bus instead of drive to my sisters, to ride with them to Colorado. I am seeing what people go through to travel who can’t drive or don’t have a car or the money to rent one or to fly. Some of their journeys include as much as sixteen hour delays because of bus schdule changes and they are sometimes in bus stations over night with no restaurants–only vending machines and always in downtown areas that are not the safest. I feel such compassion for them. To give an example: while I was waiting to check my luggage, there was a commotion and loud voices, so I turned to see the police scurrying along a man in handcuffs. I have never been around anything like that.)
(The terminal was so crowded. Thank You, Jesus, for giving me a seat by the gate while waiting to board; there was only one left. Thank You for letting the nice lady I talked to waiting in line, later end up next to me in the bus. I felt much more comfortable. Thank You for giving me a seat in the third row close to the front and by the window. These were all Miracles because I know how wonderful You are and how You watch out for us.)
(I personally had a one hour wait after we got seated on the bus…packed in like sardines…before it ever left the terminal. I began listening to the Gaither Praise CD after calling my sister and telling her of the delay. I know she was praying because I felt peace and my left leg stopped hurting after I rebuked satan. Thank You for the Miracle of stopping the pain and letting me find an opening just big enough for me to stick my foot through to stretch out my leg. That really helped.)
(Then, after traveling a relatively short distance in the bus, the driver stopped to pick up a couple more passengers in a smaller town. He instructed all of us that no one was to get off at this stop; there would be another further down the road where we could get off if we wanted to. Well, when we stopped, he reminded us very nicely again, then got off and went into the station for a moment. One young man in the back got off to smoke and another followed. The driver started to come back; they tried to get on before he saw them. They didn ‘t make it. He reprimanded them and asked them to please obey the rules.)
(The one guy let out a profanity that the whole bus could hear. The driver stood up, hot under the collar but in calm control, and demanded that the guy apologize to all the passengers for using that kind of disrespectful language or get off the bus and stay off. He wouldn ‘t apologize, probably thinking the driver was bluffing, but he was commanded to get off and he did. The driver sat there for awhile waiting and here came the guy walking out toward the bus. The driver was obviously experienced with this behavior and knew he had to command authority for the safety of the other passengers because he got out of the bus and slowly walked toward the guy. We could see the young man speaking and then they both got on the bus, so he must have apologized to the driver, at least.)
(I thought to myself, this is really dangerous. In todays world, there could easily have been a gun involved and a lot more could have incurred. I feel such compassion for those who have no other choice of travel.)
(I am praying for my husband, who is at the airport waiting for his brother and for the nice lady in the seat across the isle. I asked her if she wanted to hear a wonderful song; the words were so pretty and revealing to the spirit, so I got to share with her about You. The whole trip was a Praise and Worship time. I was so relaxed when I got there. Thank You, Sweet Jesus, for letting me feel comfortable, but I ‘m glad my husband is coming to pick me up at my sisters after the Colorado trip. Thank You for the many Blessings you have given us and please bless all the people who travel this way. T.Y.J.)
My Child, can you see the beginning of this trip has already proven that I have your best interest and desires in mind? (Yes, I sure can, Lord. I will not let anything else concern me, no matter what. Please keep others in my mind first before me. Please let those other people get where they ‘re going without any more delays.) All right, just be with Me. Don’t forget Me any time…any day…on this trip. Stay focussed more than ever before on Me…..saying My Name before speaking. I’m there at the point of any need you may have. Just ask…..expect My care. So then, spend your thoughts on how you can bring joy to others on this trip. Learn about them, care about them. Go in Peace now and SERVE.
…spend your thoughts on how you can bring joy to others on this trip.