LISTEN TO ME! I cry out into the wilderness! No one hears Me unless they stop, be still and think on Me. CALLING, CALLING, I wait for My Children to come be with Me! Only the Father can make your existence worthwhile. Living in this world breeds emptiness unless you stop, be still, listen and BE WITH ME. Just BE WITH ME. I love you so! The Father, Son and Holy Spirit LOVE YOU SO!
Come…this time with Me…is what gives you all you need to go on in this world Joyfully. Living for Me will exhilarate your mind, your strength, your joy, your love, your patience, your gentleness, your forgiveness. Give Me FIRST PLACE IN YOUR HEART and all the other things you need to accomplish will be blessed ahead of time; I will see to your achievements. I will see to it that you succeed. Rest in this assurance and My Love for you, My Child.
…stop, be still, listen and BE WITH ME.