My Child, remember to come to Me even when you have many things to do. This will make all your worldly tasks easier because I am in the front of your thoughts and this will enable you to see people, things and situations from a different perspective. I am always trying to make your life smoother and easier. All things, no matter how hard they may look to the world, are easier when you LOOK to Me, DEPEND on Me, PRAISE Me and TRUST Me.
You see, I am always waiting to love you more and more. I am always here to COMFORT, DIRECT and EASE your journey until we are forever together. I love you so. (Thank You, Jesus. I thank You for loving me. I love You too.)
(Lord, satan keeps telling me that I am wasting my time typing all these messages. I love Your Words, but it does take a lot of time. Just, please, let me know if I heard You wrong.) Continue to do the things I have CALLED you to do. You can TRUST My directions to you. You know MY Voice—I AM SERENITY, STRENGTH and COMFORT. Go in peace and do the Will of the Father.
You know My Voice—I am SERENITY, STRENGTH and COMFORT.