My Child, recognize who is making you concerned. It is NOT I. You are in My Perfect Will and you are in My Hands to be taken care of as I see fit. You are fine; I do want you to go to the doctor though so you can receive instructions on how to live to stay healthy to be able to continue the work I have for you.
Yes, you are going to be an instrument, as many of My Children will, to bring in the Harvest. My Will is that all those who will give up their life for Mine will receive abundant life. Realize that you are but one of a multitude of people who are BEING PREPARED TO WORK FOR THE FATHER IN THE LAST DAYS. I am longing for My Children to come Home to Heaven.
Be diligent in all I ask you to do. Be careful to say My Name, Jesus, often during the day and especially when you are in a troubled situation or in confusion or upset at someone. Say MY NAME, JESUS, and you will hear My Will in that situation. The Holy Spirit will guide you straight to the Throne and you will be nourished, built up, satisfied and you will think clearly and hear MY VOICE and feel MY GUIDANCE. Go in Peace and do all I ask of you without any thought of WHY, HOW, WHEN or the OUTCOME.
Just OBEY ME for total love and peace to flood your soul.
…who will give up their life for Mine will receive abundant life.