Dear Child, here are some things I want you to do for Me.
You KNOW Me and TRUST Me so I can call you to serve Me and expect it to get done. Give all those you talk to or see in need your undivided attention. In other words, drop everything else when someone is before you. Show them the same attentive courtesy you would show Me standing before you. This is what I earnestly want you to do for Me. Stop your busyness and focus on the living beings before you. The other things will still be there and are not as important as human beings in need of your attention. Another reason is that when I send an individual to you, if you are preoccupied, they will miss what I intended for them to get from you, which is really from Me. Do you understand? (Yes, Lord, but this won’t be easy for me because I’m always thinking of the next thing I want o eed to do. Please Holy Spirit, help me to remember what to do in obedience.)
…if you are preoccupied, they will miss what I intended for them.