Do you realize what is at stake? Without a person giving their life to Me, asking forgiveness for their sins, and believing in Me for Eternal Life, they are LOST.
This is a harsh statement, but TRUE. Deliverance from the evil in this world is only possible through Jesus Christ My son. This message is for anyone and everyone living and breathing. Each of you must make a decision before you die and that can be at any time with no warning. At your death, if you have not chosen to learn to know Me, to adhere to My way of Salvation, then the fact, the reality is that you are going to Hell. I DO NOT WANT THIS FOR ANYONE! Please heed this WARNING! Read about it in the Word of God. “Unless you are Born Again, you will NOT ENTER the KINGDOM of HEAVEN. ”
John 3:3 Why would you? If you have not even learned about Me; if you do NOT BELIEVE in ME, why would you want to? Think about it. It makes sense that only those who know Me and are sorry for their sins, desire to live for Me, praise and thank Me for giving My Life for them, and give their life over to Me, would be logically accepted into My Kingdom and Glory. It is not complicated. Ask yourself these questions: What matters to you? What fulfills you? What do you really want? What gives your life meaning? Do you or do you not TRUST ME enough and LOVE ME enough to Surrender your life to Me, Ask Forgiveness of your sins, and Accept My Gift of Eternal Life in Heavenly Paradise with Me and all the Saints? It is a choice of Eternal Life or eternal darkness. Are you willing to take the risk? ARE YOU A BORN AGAIN BELIEVER? If you are, then you can close your eyes in death and open them in Heaven with Me. Your body goes back into the dust, but your spirit comes to live with Me
“Absent from the body, present with the Lord. ”
2 Corinthians 5:1-8 Are you willing to take the risk?