Dear Children, do unto others what you would want others to do for you. Today, people are entirely too focused on themselves to even notice the needs of others. This way of living is wasted when tallying what truly counts. Only when you see the needs of another and respond accordingly will you have fulfillment and joy. Giving is the primary source of Joy.
I gave Myself for you to be able to excape the inevitable doom that you inherited from Adam long ago. Now, I ask you to give yourself to Me so I may shower you with My Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Understanding, Grace, and Salvation.
Living outside My Supernatural Family is not living to the fullest. It is living with blinders on most of the time, resulting in skepticism, anxiety, fear, and emptyness. If you give yourself to Me, I will fill you up with confident assurance, contentment, purpose, joy, wisdom, guidance, and blessings.
Your life will take on true meaning filled with energy for living daily in My Divine Presence because I Love You! I am near always waiting for you. Come into the Loving Family of God.
Living outside My Supernatural Family is not living to the fullest. It is living with blinders on, resulting in skepticism, anxiety, fear, and emptyness.