(Glory To God In The Highest!)
My Children are being called to serve. Do for others, think of others before yourself. My servants are not catered to, but cater to others needs. In so doing, the work of the Holy Spirit will flourish. Many who had no interest or knowledge of Me will be drawn to find out what about this Jesus makes people want to do good.
I am going to lead My Children to serve Me, thus the Father, and always with the Power of the Holy Spirit. You will be well equiped to do what I ask, if you continue to come daily. My goals are mighty and My workers are too few. COME, SERVE, SEE this POWER work in your lives. I know My Children and they know Me. All things are possible for those who love and serve the Lord their God. He loves you so and needs you so. Be there for Him as He is for you.
You will be equiped to do what I ask, if you continue to come daily.