My Child, carry yourself in such a way that I can be proud of you to My Father. He loves you so much and wants you to love others as He loves you. Soon life as you know it will be over. Every moment counts in the time for all Eternity. I need you to live each day and care each day as if it were your last. This will help you to realize how important this loving and living for others is. It is the only thing that really counts with the Father.
Keep coming to Me so I can remind you and keep the Will of the Father fresh in your mind. Regardless of what is going on around you, nothing is important except the Will of the Father–LOVE.
(Dear Jesus, it is still overwhelming to me to think and realize that You are talking to me.) I am going to be talking to you more and more as time goes on because this is how you will know the Will of the Father. LISTEN, BELIEVE, TRUST AND OBEY!
…realize how important this loving and living for others is.