(Holy God, I Praise You ame and Your Truth!)
Just as you have been reading in the Old Testament, I need followers, believers, who will stand FIRM and not be swayed to doubt Me. I need disciples who KNOW Me so well from My Word and intimate time alone with Me that, when I ask something of them, which is difficult or beyond what they think they are capable of in the natural realm, their UNWAVERING TRUST IN ME can move mountains on this earth for the Salvation of souls. DO NOT ever limit Me by thinking small of your abilities. I created you for a purpose and you received at birth all the talents and intellect needed to achieve that purpose. Make it your life’s goal to pursue that purpose so that when you stand looking into the Father’s eyes at the end of your life on earth, He can say to you, COME IN, good and faithful servant.
…COME IN, good and faithful servant.