From “A Call For Character” Developing the Fruit of the Spirit in Your Life by Greg Zoschak:
“One of the first things believers should notice following their receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit is that their love for God greatly increases, because the purpose of this experience is to bring the children of God into a closer love walk with their Father:
’For he that speaks in an unknown tongue speaks not unto men, but unto God: fo o man understands him; in the spirit he speaks mysteries’(1 Cor. 14:2.)
We believers should therefore utilize this experience to cultivate our individual relationship with the Father by coming into His presence and praying intimately unto Him from our spirit, for that is one of the purposes of tongues. “…the developing process of the fruit of LOVE is to practice LOVE. God’s love is perfected in those believers who love one another… The main hindrance to showing love one to another is the tendency to wait for a FEELING prior to taking some type of action that would somehow express love. But love is not a feeling. Since GOD IS LOVE (1 John 4:8) and GOD IS THE WORD (John 1:1), then LOVE IS PUTTING THE WORD OF GOD INTO PRACTICE! If we will do that, we will be cultivating the fruit of love in our lives. Too many times, however, we wait for some type of a FEELING and so nothing is accomplished in our lives as far as the fruit of love is concerned. …
“The FEELING of love, however would come through ACTING out Matthew 18:15, for that is how love is perfected–by being a DOER of the WORD and not just a hearer. Remember: FEELING follows ACTION! …Jesus expressed to the Father the ultimate expression of love of which man is capable. He had said earlier,’Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends (John 15:13.) In the same respect, there is no greater expression of love to the Father from His children than for them to cultivate the fruit of love toward Him by SPENDING TIME IN HIS WORD, PRAYING IN THE SPIRIT, AND PERFORMING ACTS OF LOVE. For by so doing, they will be laying down their lives for God.”
Remember: FEELING follows ACTION!