(Thank You, Jesus, fo ot letting Hans have any residual affects from his stroke. Thank You for getting the paramedics here so fast. It has only been a week and half and he is fine. T.Y.J. Thank You for letting us find a blood lab close to us for Hans. Thank You for the sunshine and all Your Blesssings. Thank You for healing Donnie’s lung completely and for ending T & V’s nightmare.)
Dear Child, honoring Me, as you have been doing in prayer and worship, has enabled Me to release even more blessings into your lives. I am always eagerly waiting for the obedience of My Children so I can give more of Me and fullness of joy in life. Be a precious tool in the lives of others by filling up with Me I will guide your words and actions to be a gift of My Love to others. Take heed to be My representative on earth so I can be your representative to the Father. See how we work together? You are a part of ME and I am a part of YOU. Love is what seals us together. Love for each other and love for others. Do not hesitate to show mercy, kindness, and patience. These are seeds planted in the Garden of Paradise, which yields blessings forever more to those who plant there.
You are a part of Me and I am a part of you.