(Thank You, dear Lord, for my sisters and brothers. They are so precious to me.)
Dear Child, the world is carrying on as if their was no tomorrow. The pain and suffering they are causing is bringing mayhem down on everyone. I am allowing this for one reason—that of giving people the chance to need Me so they will call on Me and give their trust to Me, then I can bless them. Many in the world are basically self-centered and want things ONLY ONE WAY. Many do not want to let each person choose their own path. This is what causes war. I have given each person total freedom to choose Heaven or Hell. Pray for peace, pray for the people to look to Me for help. I am ready to give it to them. Lovingly share Me with others whenever the Holy Spirit places you in the midst of a need. Pray much for the people who are lost to call on Me.
I have given each person total freedom…