My Child, I want you to obey Me when I CALL you to do something. You don ‘t seem to get the significance of this. Time is short! I want your undivided devotion. (What do you really mean, Lord?) OK, I mean this: when I ask you to type My Words, you are riddled with doubt. You don ‘t have assurance…..solid faith in My instructions or you would be doing it diligently. The same with writing My Miracles in your life. You obviously DON’T TRUST MY VOICE. How can I use a servant who doesn’t trust Me? This kind of servant is no good to Me.
I need a servant who obeys Me immediately. Like an obedient child, he acts on instructions only, not needing to understand or agree, but ACTS in OBEDIENCE….trusting….period. This is what I need from My Children at this time of grave importance. You are being judged according to what you KNOW about Me and how you ACT in carrying out My Will because this shows the depth of your TRUST in Me…..your FAITH in Me.
RATHER ACT IN ERROR THAN NOT TO ACT AT ALL!! You know I am always with you leading, guiding, instructing and paving the way ahead. You know you can trust Me. Think of all those times in the past when you had only Me to come to and ask for guidance. Did I ever let you get out of My Perfect Will when you asked Me what you should do? NEVER and I never will. Don’t think about why I want you to do the things I ask. Just DO THEM because you TRUST ME.