When you fail to be kind or loose your temper over things, circumstances or people, this means clearly that you DON’T TRUST ME. You see, if you TRUST ME, then you know deep within I am in control, that I have a Plan, that whatever it is, I HAVE ALLOWED FOR A REASON.
When you can get this TRUTH deeply rooted inside your heart, then you will react calmly to anything that hits your life. When you get this TRUTH grounded, stabilized, ROOTED, then you will immediately say My Name, Jesus, Praise Me and Thank Me for whatever it is EXACTLY AS IT IS and go on in TOTAL PEACE. This is not a fairy tale way of living. This is really truly the Promise of Peace I give you, IF YOU GET IT DEEP DOWN in your soul where it becomes a normal way of life for you. Use past experiences with Me to build this kind of durable FAITH IN ME.
This is not a fairy tale way of living.