(Holy God, we Praise Thy Name!)
Let Me have complete control. Most of My Children give Me some control in their lives, but to grow deeper in faith, stronger and more powerful in My Service, you must let go of more and more details in everyday living. The more you depend on Me, the more you see My Power, My Faithfulness and My Loving Attention to the little details of your life. Through this process, you become a real valuable servant with the stubbornness of a bull: immovable, steadfast, confident of Me. This kind of servant can move mountains in My stead. This kind of servant really touches those with whom they come in contact. My nature glows through and draws others to find out how to get IT also. Decide to turn more and more over to Me each day. Do your part, then hand it to Me. Lay it down; leave it with Me to take from here. KNOW that I will take it to the Father and it will be worked out in His Perfect Time, in His Perfect Way…..ALWAYS for the GOOD of those who TRUST HIM. KNOW this deep deep down in your soul: you can TRUST ME!
This kind of servant really touches those with whom they come in contact.