Prayerful heart’s meet Me in the place of their need and that of other’s. There I am beside you, in you, leading you, teaching you…..LOVING you. Experience My Presence for yourself by staying close to Me in prayer. Stop and think of the nearness of the Father’s Grace, how ready He is to pour forth His Blessings upon your life. Realize that you are not, and never will be, alone.
The Angels of Heaven gather to protect and prepare situations and people for you to minister to. WAKE UP! You are missing these opportunities more often than not! Dear Children, you are called for a great purpose. Yes, you are SAVED, but I need you to help Me with those who do not know Me.
WAKE UP! Look around you! Ask Me to show you whom I have sent you. Ask, I will clearly reveal the truth. You only need to ask and stay alert to answer the CALL of the Father of Heaven and earth. Desire to serve above all else!
The Angels of Heaven gather to protect and prepare situations and people for you to minister to. WAKE UP!