1-5-2016 (Wednesday morning at 1:30AM, my husband Hans asked me to call 911. I did because he said he couldn’t breathe. He was found to have a collapsed lung. I stayed until Hans was settled in the room and all paper work and questions were answered. He was feeling so much better, he insisted that I go get some rest, so I left about 5:15AM. I went to bed. Lord, thank You for comforting him in the way You know best.)
Dear Child, put him in My Loving Arms. There he will find peace and comfort. As for you, stay in Surrender, Trust, and Praise for your Divine Peace. (T.Y.J.)
1-6-2016 (I got up at 9AM on Wednesday morning and got ready to go to the hospital. He only had a piece of bacon to eat for breakfast. I was told he had a collapsed lung, but that the other lung was working. They were trying to get the bad one working again. I stayed all day until 5PM. I went home to sleep.
1-7-2016 (Thursday morning, I was about to go out the door and the hospital called. “Hans is having a hard time. You need to get here right away. ” They said his doctor did not think Hans would make it through the day. Curt, my son, met me at the hospital. The doctor told us the same thing on the phone at the hospital).
(I was with Hans, the love of my life, all day Thursday and all night Thursday night. They gave him two shots every two hours during the day, Morphine and a relaxer. I told Curt to go home for a little rest. Hans had been out since about 3PM. About 6PM Curt came back. When Hans heard his son Curt’s strong voice, he opened his eyes real wide and with a big smile on his face, he looked Curt right in the eye and reached out to him and made his lips like he was kissing him. Curt said, “I’ve just got to kiss him, ” so he removed the mask just long enough to give his daddy a kiss on the lips. I couldn’t believe my eyes. I knew right away that this was a special gift from the Lord for Curt to always remember. Thank You so much, dear sweet Jesus! (About 7:30 PM, Hans was put on a Morphine drip that kept him completely out. We took the oxygen mask off that covered his nose and mouth about 7PM so as not to do anything to make him have to go on longer artificially. The nurse explained that it would not help him in anyway, but just may prolong things. I asked Curt and Jesus if I should take the mask off. I knew that was what Hans would have wanted. We had peace about it! He still had the regular oxygen tube on though. His breathing was labored, but he was out, so he didn’t feel it. T.Y.J. (That night, I read from Mike Evans books and prayed and praised the Lord for seven hours straight.
6AM, Friday, 1-8-2016 (I went home to shower and change clothes. I was back at 7:15AM. I was reading my brother Jimmy’s obituary, who died five days before. I kept looking up to watch Hans to see if his breathing had changed. It had been changing in the early hours of the morning. He was taking such deep deep breaths. Bless his heart! (This is so hard to write about, but I want to document it so I can remember everything. I was studying his breathing pattern like I had done all night. He was having longer pauses between breaths. I would read a couple of sentences and look up at him, but at one point, I looked up and he was completely still. He passed without a sound. The Angel came to take Hans, my sweetheart, Home to Heaven at 9AM. Thank You, dear Jesus, for letting me share my life with such a good, kind, and loving man, who loved You dearly.
(Hans was very intelligent, perceptive, charming, humble, generous, energetic, determined, took a real interest in people, leader, ambitious, good character, forgiving, classy, and had an engineer mentality–could always figure out how to solve a problem. He was one of a kind, expressed by many people, and Lord You blessed me with him. Thank You again so so much for this privilege!)
Account of my precious loving husbands passing