(Thank You, Jesus, for again giving me instructions on how to serve You. Please give me the grace to carry them out.)
My Children, Holy Ones of God! All children on earth are called to My supper table. Only a few want to come. My heart breaks for those who find the things of the world more important, more believable. My desire is that all the children be brought to My Father, but this is not the way it will be.
Make known, My Children, to all and anyone you possibly can, WHO I am, WHAT I can do for them, HOW I love them and the REWARD that awaits them when they die. This is the Will of the Father: that as many as possible can be brought Home to Heaven.
Be at peace in all you do. As long as you come to Me regularly, I can always guide you and lead you to the Father’s Will. Your living on this earth will take on more and more meaning, thus be fuller and more Joyful. I am your LIFE now; I am your JOY now. Go in peace now for I love you dearly and I need you tremendously, My Children!
My desire is for ALL to come to Me.