Dear Child, hold fast to all that I tell you because there will be many who are going to need to hear My message. There will be a time when you will be asked to share what you know about Me. DO NOT HESITATE because I am depending on My Children to bring as many as possible into the Harvest of Souls. The world is getting further away from the things of God, so My Children must be a beacon of LIGHT in the darkness. People are so distracted, so distraught with stress, confusion and overwork. They do not take time for Me, even those who do know Me. This can only bring them down lower and lower. I so want to bring them higher and higher into living the Kingdom Life on earth. The rewards are vast. Joy and peace will engulf them. Oh, pray for their return and fo ew believers! Honor the Father with your devotion to bringing others into the fold.
They do not take time for Me, even those who do know Me.