Remember that I am always with you and My Holy Spirit is directing and teaching you all day long as you keep your eyes on Me. Rememer to keep focussed on your PURPOSE on this earth and seek Me more deeply if you are not aware of it. Do not miss this chance to fulfill the Father’s Plan for you. This you will face sooner or later with either joy or sorrow.
Dear Children, what I ask of you is not unreasonable because, as soon as you let go of your Will and begin to really seek and follow My Plan, you will experience true feelings of gratitude and love. In this state of OBEDIENCE to your Father, PEACE is found and felt, which allows you to unquestionably recognize the presence of your Lord who loves you so. Make up your mind, each of you, to draw closer to Me with each passing day. I will reveal pieces of Heaven to you as you release pieces of yourself to Me. Everything I allow in your life is foreordained to lift you or someone else closer to the Throne of Heaven where I long for your presence one day. Serve those in your world view with an open heart and willing sacrifices of love for My sake. Prepare yourself for the day when we shall meet face to face. Live, in word and action, for that very moment. If you have desired Me above all else and sought to serve as I led, then you will anticipate this moment with great JOY. Think on these things and seriously decide what is most important to you, then live accordingly.
This you will face sooner or later with either joy or sorrow.