(Oh dear Jesus, please help me to be more patient and kind. T.Y.J.)
If only the hearts of My Children were stayed on Me, then the Holy Spirit’s prompting to act in love would override satan’s coaxing toward evil. Say My name, Jesus, often all day. Stay in Praise and Worship throughout the day. Be thankful to the Father in all things. If you live like this, with a heart for Me, you will be loving, kind, and patient. The Holy Spirit will enable the nature of Christ to shine through you. Be prepared and eager to serve with a renewed fervor and Godly love in your heart. The Holy Spirit is pure and His reflection will be in you. Purity, Truth, Unselfishness…..these are signs of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.
Purity, Truth, Unselfishness…these are signs of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.