Hold fast to what you KNOW about Me because in times of trouble, I will be there to comfort, protect and show you favor. All that you KNOW and BELIEVE about Me will make the difference between peaceful assurance and dreadful fear. There is NO place for fear in the lives of My Children. Just fill up with My Promises to you found in My Word (Holy Scripture). It is up to you whether you access these PROMISES. When times are good, be building a foundation of faith that cannot be shaken when satan attacks you. I have already dealt with these attacks when I died for you. Now you only must BELIEVE without doubt and TRUST that My Words of old are just as TRUE and POWERFUL TODAY. Where your heartfelt belief level is determines the degree to which I can allow My Power to be manifested. Let all the earth REJOICE as My loving PROMISES become reality in the lives of those who truly have My PEACE and ASSURANCE in times of trouble—TRUSTING Me explicitly. Go in peace with PRAISE and THANKSGIVING in your heart and on your lips for all to hear.
…TRUST that My Words of old are just as TRUE and POWERFUL TODAY.