(Please let me know Your Will for us by the time we need to know.)
Follow your heart because you have given Me your word that you would obey what I tell you from now on. So, I will let you know one of these days. In the meantime, be other minded, praise Me for all the loved ones in your life. Some people are all alone with no family and sometimes no friends. Praise Me for whatever My Will is and then your heart will be ONE with Mine.
Let go of plans in your future. Let Me direct your path for the GOOD OF OTHERS and yourself. Go out of your way for others with NOTHING IN RETURN. Just go out there because you love and care about them. What you are feeling is what others feel also, so forget your feelings and DO WHAT YOU CAN TO ELEVATE THE FEELING IN OTHERS.
Praise Me for whatever My Will is and then your heart will be ONE with Mine.