(Thank You, dear Jesus, for all you let me get done so far today. You are so wonderful because, when I ask, you always let things seem easier and go smoothly.)
Dear Child, when you read My Word, really take it to heart. Think about what I say and teach. Think about how I talk to My Father. Notice how I go to Him for help, strength, and instructions. I needed His Wisdom and Power to equip Me for the work ahead…..each day. Come to Me in the same way to receive all the Father has for you. Anticipate answers to prayer because you KNOW me.
When My Word becomes a part of you, not just something to read, then you will Come to Me with strength, confidence, and expectation. You will not just have HOPE of an answer, but ASSURANCE of the answer. Let My Word become food to you. Eat of it heartily. Snack on it. Build up your mind, soul, and body from the nourishment My Word provides. Each of you will exist in an enviroment of Peace, Kindness, and Love, when you let My Word become an intimate part of you.
Build up your mind, soul, and body from the nourishment My Word provides.