(Dear Jesus, often when I hear myself talking to You, I sound like a broken record. I can’t stop Thanking You and Praising You for all the ways and times that You go out of Your way to Bless me. It’s certainly most evident when I truly rely on You, ask Your Will and guidance in the situation. When I deeply TRUST that You will tell me, show me what to do, it always turns out to be the BEST outcome. And, the PEACE that I am rewarded with in the interim is miraculous!
(You are in charge and I get to watch You work on my behalf because You love me. The answers I get to see, the direction things take, the need I have filled. It is almost like a dream as I watch You move things along in my favor when I could see no way. You open doors and close doors to achieve the BEST for Your Children who faithfully and steadfastly TRUST YOU. Thank You so much!)
Dear Children, I am just waiting for each one of you to realize that My Words are TRUTH. I stand by them. I have made Promises to all of you who TRUST Me. It is My Joy and My dedicated assignment from My Father to fulfill every one of them to those who BELIEVE in ME.
COME CLOSER, more DEVOTED to Me, more EXPECTANT of these Promises I have made to you. COME near and live the KINGDOM LIFE even now on the earth in My Presence.
Dear Children, I am just waiting for each one of you to realize that My Words are TRUTH. I stand by them.