(Thank You for being my Father. Thank You, Jesus, for being my brother and best friend. Thank You, Holy Spirit, for caring for me and teaching me in the way I should go. You are remarkable! Words do not express how I love You and believe in You, my Lord and Savior.)
Dear Child, close the door to all uncertainty. Living in and through Me, there is NO question about whether things will work out for you. For those of you who truly surrender a problem to Me, and thank Me for working it out according to My Will, ALL WILL BE WELL. All things work to the GOOD for those who live trusting Me to the point of praising Me for however I work the problem out. This is TRUE TRUST, TRUE FAITH. Make sure that your heart is set on desiring what I want for you, even though you do not know yet what it is.
This kind of loving faith in Me is deserving of the BEST outcome.
Love Me MORE than what you want. Desire to have My Will MORE than what you want.
Love Me MORE than what you want.